
A Consumer Healthcare company recently reorganized the Sales teams and rebranded the company.

As part of the transformation, Management wanted to understand opportunities for retail leadership. A first step was to hear the retail executives’ perceptions and expectations of the newly formed company and its Sales organization.

WSL Process

WSL’s Retail Executive Panel gives us access to executives across retail chains and channels.

To help this client find account leadership opportunities, WSL Interviewed 18 senior and junior executives at 11 retail accounts important to our client’s business.

Following a topic guide with a mix of dialogue and quantified attribute ratings, the interviews resulted in opportunities for category leadership, diagnostics to strengthen the top-to-top relationship and insights to strengthen the account teams.


The Sales Leadership Team used the feedback to build the U.S. Sales Strategic Plan and to choose its top 3 strategic priorities.

Opportunities focused on digital leadership, shopper analytics/insights, and thought leadership at top-to-top meetings.

“Some findings re-confirmed what we already knew, while others were surprises. WSL’s insights helped us realize that we need to do a better job with shopper insights, which now has become a top 3 priority for the team. We also need to focus on strengthening senior management’s relationship with our retail partners. We would like to conduct these WSL retailer executive interviews next year to see if the improvements we are making, help boost our current scores.” – Vice President Sales

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